Zman & Friends |
General Internet Related |
* Tips for surfing the Internet safely
* Internet Security
Zman & Friends |
What is Zman & Friends? |
Zman & Friends is a multi-fandom (multiple franchise) crossover fan series, where life is never boring,
and fun lies around every bend. Not all days are full of fun, or safe, but if we trust ourselves, our family,
our friends, and in love, we might be able to claim victory. Zman & Friends always strives to show
many sides of our world, and have messages and morals told in ways that don't talk down to the audience.
For more information, please refer to the About section.
Why is Zman & Friends a crossover show? |
Zman & Friends was made as a crossover show to allow for more story potential, and to have characters you know (or don't know) meeting each other and going on adventures. While most crossover projects either throw characters into another world without thinking about it, or have all the franchieses put into a new world to allow for the crossover, Zman & Friends has the crossovers happen logically, keeping the worlds seperate while allowing for characters to crossover, within the rules of the universes.
How can I learn about all of the different Zman & Friends characters? |
Thomas has a lot of friends on and off the island of Sodor!
Visit the Character Gallery to see all of the different characters.
How is the Zman & Friends show created? |
The production of Zman & Friends is the culmination of 10 years of experience and continuous development. Zman & Friends is created using live-action model trains, 2D sprite art and 3D CGI animation, and stop-motion animation, edited together to create exciting, heart-warming stories.
Lots of time is taken to make sure that the worlds seen are represented accurately, and that the characters are faithful to their true personalities.
General Internet Related |
Why does your site only work with certain browser types?
In general, we strive to make our sites as accessible as possible for all of our viewers. However, certain features on our sites require specific optimization when using a particular browser application. It would not be feasible for us to create a separate version of our site optimized for each of the many available browser platforms, and we must therefore make the difficult decision in these cases to optimize for the browsers most commonly used by our visitors. These browsers being Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.
What is the Acrobat Reader and why do I need it?
Acrobat Reader is a software application manufactured by Adobe Systems Incorporated that lets you view and print Portable Document Format (PDF) files which are used within our sites.
Where can I download Acrobat Reader?
You can download the Acrobat Reader free here, but please remember to uncheck the sponsored "Included with your download" check boxes, otherwise you will install some extra unwanted software.
What is Ruffle and why do I need to allow it to run?
Ruffle is an open-source plug-in (helper application) that is maintained and created by a team of people, that allows your Internet browser to display classic Adobe Flash based content. (Often high quality, low-bandwidth, interactive, animated graphics, interactive web pages, and online games.)
Flash animations are used extensively on our site to create a more colourful and entertaining online experience for our visitors, and you must allow for Ruffle to run in order to take advantage of the enhanced features Flash gives our site.
Why do you use Flash?
Flash allowed for websites to be highly creative and interactive, like having buttons that animate and make sounds, allow for websites to have their own opening sequences, and house full games that could be played online. A lot of this has been taken away or made more difficult to achieve in the modern day, with web design being extremely simplified.
This website uses Flash to replicate the older, more fun days of the internet and allow visitors to have a fun time visiting the website.
Is using Ruffle safe?
As many may know, Flash had a lot of security issues in its later years. Ruffle runs all Flash content in a "sandbox", meaning that the content is protected against security flaws and cannot be attacked.
Tips for surfing the Internet safely |
For parents:
1) Encourage your children to tell you whenever they are online and to whom they are chatting to.
2) Place the computer in an area that is within your sight. A tactic likely to encourage children to talk about what they are doing and to ask for help with anything they find troubling.
3) It maybe worthwhile using parental control software that can filter website addresses. However, many filters are unsophisticated and may block useful or safe sites.
4) To help in avoiding unsuitable 'spam' (unsolicited, unwanted commercial emails) emails, such as porn, going to you child's email account it maybe worthwhile setting up 2 email addresses.
One being a private address to give out to friends. The other would be a public address to use when your child goes surfing or uses when signing up for email newsletters and the like.
This is the email address that 'spam' is likely to end up and can be filtered by a parent who can delete unsuitable messages.
5) Limit the time that your child spends online and encourage them to take part in other activities and friendships. Being online and using a computer can be fun, but it is important to spend time with family and friends, and to go outside and have fun in the great outdoors.
6) Make sure that you child has gained your permission to visit a 'chat room'. Users under 13 are legally not allowed to register for social services such as Twitter or Discord.
7) If your children use an instant messaging system, encourage them to set up closed 'buddy lists' for them and their friends.
This should help limit who can contact them.
8) Never let a child meet an 'online' friend alone. Always encourage them to tell you about their online friends and about what they chat about.
For children:
1) Always tell a parent, teacher or guardian whenever you are online and what you are doing.
2) Keep your password private, even from you friends. Your online service provider will never ask for it and if they do, tell a parent immediately.
3) Never give out any personal information, such as your telephone number, when sending emails or chatting.
Use only your log in name or email address.
4) Never open attachment from people that you don't know, tell a parent instead.
Attachments may contain viruses that could damage your computer.
5) Never accept emails, attachments, links and website address from strangers.
6) Always tell a parent or teacher about anything nasty, threatening or any bad language you see online.
7) Be careful about what you type and who you tell, as nothing is completely private on the web.
8) Be safe when you and/or your 'online' friends want to meet in person. Tell a parent, teacher or guardian if one of your 'online' friends wishes to meet you in person.
Sometimes they are not who they seem to be.
9) If someone says something that makes you feel funny, uncomfortable or unsafe, tell a parent or teacher and leave the chatroom or site immediately.
Internet Security |
Below are a few simple steps to protect your family and your computer while on the web.
1) Use common sense when using the internet and also be careful when sending and receiving emails.
2) Change your passwords often. Microsoft recommends changing your password every month, to prevent unauthorised access to your emails and internet account.
3) Use numbers, characters and letters in your passwords, and never tell anyone what your passwords or log-in information are.
4) Use a firewall on your computer. A firewall is a security system that acts as a boundary between
your computer and the internet and acts like a shield whenever you are online. Windows computers from Windows XP onwards have a firewall pre-installed on your computer, and most modern internet routers have their own firewalls too.
5) Do not open attachments from people you don't know. You should also be careful when opening attachments
from people you do know as sometimes, viruses can spread through being automatically forwarded to al the contacts
in the person's address book.
6) Remember to log out of our internet account when finished. This stops unauthorised users from access your
account and from harmful applications being installed on your computer.
7) Do not reply to spam (junk mail). If you do you risk your email system being overloaded with mail messages which can block the system. It is safer and easier to delete any spam email you may recieve.
8) Run anti-virus software regularly. This reduces the risk of you experiencing virus difficulties with your system.
It is also advisable to keep it updated to detect the latest viruses.
We personally recommend to use Malwarebytes, which you can download from their official website here for free. They do offer a paid version of their software if you would like to support them.
9) Specify a security setting for your browser.
10) When shopping on the internet only deal with websites that are supported by SSL (Secure Socket Layer). An SSL connection encrypts
information transferred between your web browser and the seller's website which guarantee's the security of your transaction.
Websites that support SSL will usually start with https:// and a 'locked padlock' will appear when checking to make sure that the connection to the website is secure.